hot, sexy, very good looking guy; a very attractive male
that guy mike is so nick it's not even funny.
by randomness_chickas April 3, 2010
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went to the hood to pick up a nickand blow a blunt
by big g November 5, 2003
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To "commit" to a plan or an event and then flake on your engagement without any reasonable explanation and or efficient timely manner
ex. "Hey guys lets go to San Diego for my birthday! or Yeah I'm down to go to South Lake Tahoe"

Day of event "sorry guys i cant make it, something came up"


you've been nicked!

that person is nicking you!
did we just get nicked?
by The Kingzz February 13, 2014
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most awsome person to ever lived on the planet. (which is earth)
i sware god is nick
by alex wakefield September 17, 2008
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the hottest, sexiest man you will ever meet. usually has a very large penis, makes a really good boyfriend and is alwyas condfident about himself. can kick almost anyones ass and is quite a gentleman. always get with a nick, you will alwyas be pleased.
"man that guy guy was so good last night, he had such a big dick."
"must have been a NIck"
by jackolynnn782 December 28, 2009
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To repeatedly hide while others engage in combat in the game, "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" then when called on, deny your actions
"Stop nicking all the time and fight for a change"
"I'm not I swear, look see I'm fighting"
by QQdat June 25, 2009
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