A very cool and nice person once you get to know her. She tends to get keen when you put her on her bad side. She is a girl that you will like to have. She loves god and sports. Such as basketball.
I will love to be victory’s friend
by Kebene walubu January 8, 2018
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victory is a stupid ass hoe who gets no bitches or niggas
Victory is such a hoe
by shdwz April 11, 2022
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No matter what the media tells you, there is no such thing as victory over the coronavirus, there is only not losing more than what has already been lost (from lives to jobs to rights).
Not losing more lives, businesses, jobs, and rights isn't victory, it's only an end to loss.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021
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There is no such thing as victory against the coronavirus, there is only not losing more. If nobody takes a stand, everybody takes a fall.
Not losing more lives, businesses, jobs, or rights isn't victory, it's an end to the spread of (and fuel for) the wildfire, an end to the loss of everything.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021
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There is no such thing as victory over the coronavirus, there is only the end of losing everything. If nobody takes a stand, everybody falls back in line.
The end of the coronavirus won't be a victory, it will only be an end to the loss of life, businesses, jobs, and rights. An end to the spread of (and fuel for) the wildfire.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021
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The feeling of greatness after winning a tournament.
He felt victory after defeating his rival in tag.
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victory is when someone gets a W in fortnite
i did your mom that is a victory
by your dad69420 November 16, 2021
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