A piece of green dog shit that is so hot and fresh that it's steaming
"Hey buddy, did ya hear about colin. He was prancing through the backyard like a damn fairy and tripped on a stick and fell face first into a big ol' lawn dragon"

"What a fag"
by Yourshitsweak May 30, 2018
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To be so wasted that you run out the back door and just dive and slide on your chest on the grass.
John and I got drunk and then did some lawn diving because we were bored.
by Chavo January 11, 2008
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When you take a shit in the !middle of a person's front yard.
My ex was a hobby whore so my buddies and I went lawn dogging at her house.
by Irrelevant One June 17, 2023
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An activity that really board teenagers do to pass time. You walk around town with your friends and look at a lawn and give it a score 1-10
*summer time*
Mitch: hey, Joey, I’m sooooooo board
Joey: wanna go lawn rating?
Mitch: fuck it, yeah.
by LimaBean2029 August 9, 2021
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: when a dad over the age of 30 beats his meat to his freshly mowed lawn
Hey son wanna mow the lawn so we can jerk off to it. American Lawn mower
by Wolvesgottalong September 10, 2021
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The act of lifting and lowering a push mower over too high of grass. Usually takes about one full or two days. It resembles the way Pacman opens and closes his mouth in the game.
Damn it, I let my lawn get too high. I am not looking forward to Pacman the lawn today.

I got sunburned Pacman-ing the lawn
by Cloudstrider14 April 2, 2011
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