When you're limp as shit but she still wants to bang
She tried giving me a floppy frisbee last night, but I said Dick that
by TyMatt September 16, 2018
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When a man of Asian decent attempts to have sex but cant get it up. "floppy Asian dick"
Stacy tried to have sex with Chang but he gave her the old "Floppy Chopstick", he was straight pushing rope.
by Capt.LongDong January 11, 2018
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When your dick is hard after finishing you're hard but not all the way
My floppy dragon dick was going everywhere when I pissed
by Ayyy foo August 6, 2017
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A man used to have casual, pointless sex suddenly falls in love and can't get it up. An condition that usually passes by in matter of week or two.
"I'm suffering from a tremendous case of love floppy"
by Hannu Karpo May 23, 2012
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the act of engaging in coitus with a less than erect schmeckle
She wanted more of that dick, so i had to go with runnin the floppy
by Rob and Marty December 8, 2017
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Not to be confused wif "flip-flops" --- i.e., sandals dat just have a sole and strap/pocket for yer toes --- this term refers to a pair of almost-totally-worn-out-and-loose-fitting shoes dat you lounge around in while you're just in da house or yard.
Cool chick, showing up on a favorite male friend's porch: Hey, Dude; I'm feeling a little bored and lonesome --- could you go for a stroll wif me down to da lake and back?
Hot hunk: Sure thing, Sweet Cheex --- just lemme change outta my floppy-flappies here, and I'll be right wif ya!
by QuacksO August 24, 2022
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