Another way of saying lmao
Bailey: I’m joking haha
Alyssa: LAMP
by A-person_named_no September 3, 2021
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Aka “Look At Me, i’m Perfect!!”
Refers to a person, usually female, who posts every snippet of their life on instagram considered to be enjoyable by most. i.e. aesthetic selfies, daily beach sunset runs, home workouts, food, etc. They take photoshoots seriously and never show sadness or wacky photos which ruin their “perfect” facade.

LAMPs enter every single online giveaway and seize every free trial opportunity just for the photo op.

Not to be confused by influencers who are the same, but worse and more obnoxious
“How does she have the time and money to be on vacation all the time?”
“She doesn’t, she’s a LAMP”

“She’s all I want in a girl, bro”
“Careful with that one, seems like a LAMP”
by Dmplx November 2, 2021
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It provides light and makes you look less dumb when sending snaps at night because if we are being honest that’s when we only use them
Dude 1: hey send my a pic of you on snap
Lady 1: ok let me turn on my lamp because it’s dark
Dude 1: niceeeeee
by I.made.lamp November 12, 2019
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Instead of saying lmao say lamp. Because it’s a nice word and can also be used in som context as “laughing at my problems”.
Person: dude did u just fail ur test?
You: yeah LAMP
Person: what?
You: Laughing At My Problems
by Bees cream November 19, 2020
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that car is so lamp!
hanging out with doug is lamp!
by jizcalifuh June 4, 2022
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A person of the female gender that is radiantly glowing
"Bro, did you see that lamp in our math class." "Yea bro, she was looking fire."
by Alexander Tate August 19, 2020
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