When your girlfriend comes home drunk from the bar and gets stuck in the toilet with the seat up and you have to pull her out.
John had to pull a Howard the Duck on Robin when she came home all shitty last night and fell in the can.
by Bariatrocity April 30, 2018
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A little paedophile dickhead rat who makes instant relationships soon after a break up. Widely known for 'most likely to be criminal'.
Shane Howard just had a new victim!
by Therealishere August 27, 2016
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Any person/group in a school hallway that poses a threat to those passing; unremarkable people posing as obstacles to those trying to get to class.

Can come individually or in groups, though individual hallway howards are rare. Often very excitable girls/boys talking without realizing they're taking up the whole damn hallway.
person 1: damn, this school is full of assholes and hallway howards.

person 2: true. I'll be pissed if we're late again.
by acxi January 26, 2019
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A person who is entirely obsessed with females, but pretends to hate them so his friends accept him. And hates the show "My Little Pony" but tells everyone he watches it to seem like a brony.
Girl: "Hey Rohan, do you watch My Little Pony?"
Rohan: "Of course I do, I am a Howard-Fabretto. Go away because you're a girl and I hate you"
by chartrex.bandcamp.com November 4, 2013
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known as matthew howard, widely hailed rave champion, drops pingerz

(aka. MDMA/MOLLY/EXTACY/E) like skittles

Pulls the most unholy amount of bitches, with his unmatched charisma and wit.
Person 1: I met matthew howard today
Person 2: oh you mean the pinger champion?
by Big Dog 12 July 22, 2023
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Sean Howard is an Instagram influencer who can kiss me anyday
by L8ogan April 17, 2022
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Jade Howard is perfect even though jade Howard's can be a slut at times she makes up for it by being a beast in bed
Person 1:Damnnnnnn jade Howard's fucked me

Person 2:wait me too...
by jadetheonisionlover February 15, 2017
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