A person who follows Liberalist or left leaning ideologies.
Not to be confused with Communists.
Wow, Terry is such a Liberal.
by SmolBolBritain October 19, 2020
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Fucking idiots that think everything is racist and want to kill white people
BLM are Liberals and black supremecists
by albert bbc February 1, 2018
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A term used to describe people how support the act of being a trap. They all need to die so our world will be PURE AMERICAN!!!!
Hillbilly talkin to a liberal: You god damn gun sucker! Liberals need to die!
*Liberal reports hillbilly to the U.S. government*
by Liberals need to DIE!!!!!! March 14, 2018
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Those that claim that they are tolerant and accepting but in reality are only tolerant and accepting of those that share the same exact beliefs and are intolerant of anyone that doesn't agree with them. So-much-so that you will be called names such as; stupid, ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. even when there is absolutely no evidence to any of those claims.
This liberal called me stupid because I don't believe the scientists that are saying global warming is man made. When I mentioned that he's not believing scientists that say life begins at conception and the baby's sex is aslo determined at that point, he called me ignorant and homophobic.
by Sausage-sauce April 28, 2019
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