Daniel is a homosexual who likes women at the same time. He likes girls with below average height. Daniels are usually lady-killers in the good way
Damn , that guys being a Daniel
by Iestyn Yr Mong December 1, 2017
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Daniel is the sweetest, kindest and most talented boy you’ll ever meet. He is awfully modest, in an adorable fashion though. He looks great inside and out. Daniel is the very definition of perfect. His funny, smart, handsome and caring self will always have your back. If you are lucky enough to have a Daniel love you then you should absolutely cherish and adore him when you have the chance to. It isn’t every day you get to meet someone so genuine and honest. His intelligence, quirks and charming personality will get you swooning in no time. In other words Daniel is the most ideal boyfriend, husband and maybe one day father ;)
OML OML OML A Daniel likes me?!?! *Internal and External fangirl squeel*
by moomoo678 October 13, 2018
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A soft and cry's once in a while over the dumbest shit ever.He is not a good person to be around with and is very unhappy most of the time.Never wants to be casual always likes to be extra. His girlfriends usually get annoyed but still have love for him.
by Nicolegarc1a April 24, 2018
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An Idiot. I'm a Daniel, I'm an idiot. I stay in my room all day, I have no friends, I'm Daniel, you are a clock. Help me.
by DanielTheIdiotHAHAHA June 15, 2020
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Cute boy who has hard walls but if you can break them you will never want to lose him. You can tell him anything and he will always listen and tell you wut u want to hear. If ur lucky enough to be the boy he likes (he is gay) you should never let him go. He can flip between emotions in seconds but he is always trying to put a smile on someones face and always improving his relationship.
me: im sad :(

Daniel: *kisses* *tells a joke* are u still sad :)
me: nope your so cute
by Kaminari January 29, 2021
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