An amazing place where we bully each other but in a nice way and Eli and Cloud are our parents.
It has a lot of history and chaotic people but we somehow grt along.
You can only be on it if you are one of Eli’s kids or married to him.
Ali: “hey are you on the bootiful family group chat?”

Person: “no I’m-”

Ali: “ELI!”

Eli: “hello.”

Ali: “Eli, please kindly adopt this person.”

Eli: “alright. You’re my child now.”

Person: “oh- okay”

That person can now be on the bootiful family group chat. Hooray!
by Eldritch Fridge January 2, 2023
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Man I had anal sex with her and I know tomorrow she'll be giving birth to some bootie babies.
by Hello peter October 28, 2015
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Fudgey substances that excrete from your butt.
Hey, did you see Rhonda last week? Yea boi, She had some booty make all over her panties.. it was so fudgilicious looks like can’t eat her booty no mo! Stanky too!
by sleeplesseuphoric March 8, 2018
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Kemon, Kelsey, Bella, Tianna, Andrew, Yo Mama, Nigga
you a booty roach
by Booty Roach April 20, 2017
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a famous meal from mickey rews, by the founder of booty town dwayne rew the booty butt man aka nxa booty.
lets go buy some booty nuggets
by nxjisfruity May 25, 2022
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