A work used to describe one who is "fucking ugly." This does not mean that the particular person is have sexual intercourse with a person who is ugly, but rather that the person's appearance is (in their opinion) ugly.
When the term fugly is used, it is obviously more extreme than the word ugly, and therefore cannot have conjunctions to euphemize or lesser the extent of the description. For example, one cannot say "man, that dude is a bit fugly" because really what is being said is that the dude is "a bit fucking ugly."
Dog: Hey
Cat: piss doodles
Dog: I find that offensive
Cat: I find your odor offensive
Dog: I find the word fugly offensive
by Blackington September 10, 2006
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the two words fucking and ugly put together
"Jesus Christ your placenta is fugly" says Brian.
"So is your face!" says Susan.
What a beautiful marriage!
by All day bustin' chops October 24, 2006
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Fucking Ugly

Used for ugly people who are also hated

Usually used by mean girls who are assholes to other girls
OMG!!! Clarise, that new girl is so fugly
by Who-are-you?! January 11, 2009
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when you're really ugly (Fucking ulgy)
guy: Ew she's pretty fucking ugly
other guy: don't you mean FUGLY?!
by FotPear87 June 18, 2018
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Someone who is f*#king ugly
"Omg your so fugly"

"Eww he/ she is fugly"
by realoren June 16, 2014
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