A movie made by a talentless twat, he thinks he’s Steven fucking Spielberg or something
Wow have you seen the new MIRROR movie by Silas Paul. It’s fucking horrible.
by 5600112 November 11, 2019
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Something nobody ever wants to look at, and when they do they regret it immediately. This can also be used as a “roast
by shrekseyeball November 6, 2019
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to have sex and look at a porno and do like they do on screen.
now, let's get the neighbors for this Mongolian Cluster Fuck,(def no2) scene,hon...
by hytham_hammer July 10, 2005
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A place where one looks at ones self and admires how good looking he/she is.
1: the mirror makes me look hot.
2: fuck no it don’t, you will always look ugly.
by DNAmaster10 November 27, 2018
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A device used in the mid 1800's in order to teleport from the European Renaissance to the African safari
John! Don't use that mirror!! Africans are niggers with knives!!
by AnkleKush August 3, 2009
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Being insanely good looking or hott. With a double T. Often occurs in Northern Ireland.
"My God Jessica, Ben Is SO Mirroring Today."
by Mogon Robots. ;) December 6, 2008
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A shortened form of the expression, "That's going on the mirror!"

When someone compliments you in such a way that you want to hang the words on your mirror to be reminded of them daily, you might use this expression.
Him: The only way I'd like to go back in time would be to make up for lost time with you.

Her: Mirror!
by Ray's Princess March 20, 2010
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