dick head, uses you and usually dates you and all of your friends in a repetitive cycle. he seems sweet and hot but he is actually a fuckboy
Jess: “Taj just dumped me!”
Tara: “What no way!”
Jess: “Yeah and now he is back with Jenny”
Tara:”Again! he dated her then you, then her then you and now her again!”
by thedeadlytruth101 September 28, 2018
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He’s very kind but don’t get on his bad side or he might just say some things he will end up regretting. A pretty big dick, not in the good way. He can be loyal just chooses not to, not very trustworthy, but hey he tries.
girl: yo i like that kid taj
friend: no one likes a taj
by chef’s bitch May 5, 2019
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Tajs are usually boys. They are usually nerds and have 4.0 GPA's. They also wear their hair in an afro.

P.S they suck dick
He is nerd, his name probably is Taj.
by Mind yo business lil whore February 13, 2018
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A big dickhead who will steal your girl fuck them and break up with them

Ps he/she likes to suck a big fucking dick
Ew look at that Taj over their
by Sjceurc March 26, 2019
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taj is a lanky nonce that t loves fried chicken and not many people know but taj is actually really intelligent and he's a nice person
by BIG BOBS DICK 69 November 15, 2021
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Any handicap stall equipped with its own personal sink in addition to the toilet. Will also generally contain a working latch, coat hook, graffiti-free walls, a jump seat for a child or little friend to hang with you, baby change table that can be handy for doing paperwork on, bars for you to rest your head on for a nap, and a toilet paper dispenser with a wide flat top; perfect for stowing your cell phone. Great for relaxing, getting texts out, and of course, comfortable potty business.
by Sci Fi Wasabi May 12, 2010
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A person of Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan descent who is excessively obedient or servile to white people, or regarded as betraying their cultural or social allegiance.

A South Asian person who does not believe they share the same problems with other people of color and often side with white people since they are considered "model minorities" and don't experience the same forms of racism.
"Did you hear that Rajesh joined the Young Republicans club?"
Yeah he's really becoming an uncle taj; I heard he was defending that white guy who likes to say the n-word too.
by Bajmahal June 8, 2020
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