A fatherless rare cat doll species that nobody likes and that everybody hates on because it’s stupid. It appears to use “cat/doll/magic/she” pronouns. The nickname is “Meow” It’s fans and it has no father and is super fatherless and it’s sucks because nobody likes it. It did terrible things. List of what it did

Said n word, f slur, r slur ,

Threatened to r4p3 people,

Fetishized mlm people

Fetishized asian people

Ableist, transphobic, homophobic

Zoophile, made a terrible apology

Sending DTS, racist, made fun of


That’s all it did. It’s a terrible thing and it’s bad. It’s better to call it “Meowmid” or “Midbahh
“Meowbahh sucks it’s so bad and disgustingly annoying”
“For real”

“Meowbahh? For like MEOWMID HAHAHAHAH
by AmaraLMAO April 24, 2022
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A wannabe magical girl who says slurs, calls her fandom disabled, is fucking rude, and is cringe.
She's inspired by Jellybean
Person 1: You know Meowbahh right?
Person 2: That one tiktoker who ate during her apology video? Yea I know her.
by WhatWhyWhenWhere April 19, 2022
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An ugly shithead who says the r word, calls disabled people a fandom, said she could beat Allah in a fight, called herself meowballah, then ate in a fake apology video.
Idk1: Hey, isn’t it meowbahh is so annoying?
Idk2: Yep, she is rlly disrespectful.
by Starstell <3 April 7, 2022
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Massive troll that trolled the whole internet by saying offensive things.
Tiktok user: Meowmid
Commentary YouTuber: Meowbahh is a 30 year old man with a voice changer/ Meowbahh is cringe.

Berserk Skeletons: Meowshit
by April 30, 2022
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Massive troll that trolled the whole internet by saying offensive things.
Tiktok user: Meowmid
Commentary YouTuber: Meowbahh is a 30 year old man with a voice changer/ Meowbahh is cringe.

Berserk Skeletons: Meowshit
by April 30, 2022
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The CRINGIEST AND WORST PNG TUBER THAT EVER EXISTED (Jellybean questions her,and got very TERRIBLE results.)
by HenryPlayz Main April 17, 2022
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Meowbahh is a bad person. She uses magic/doll/meow pronounce?? That isnt a real pronounce! She said the R word and she is very cringe- please dont even think about watching her videos.
F: hey have you seen a person called Meowbahh?
M: YES! They are a very bad person.
by HeyImLexie March 29, 2022
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