talkin crap about people hatin on you
that dude got jumped cuz he was jockin haters and someone heard him.
by ashleyyy jo June 25, 2008
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When a bitch is using you.
"I can't believe she hasn't called me back, I took her to Applebees and everything!'
by ohhaygurl January 2, 2012
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To have mad pull with others like jabba the hut where you don't even have to do anything but sit there, be a boss, and get all of ones needs/wants met.
We all want to be a boss, but leave that to those persuasive bastards jabba jockin erewhere they go.
by Catirandafly October 31, 2016
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when a female hits on/flirts with/touches/talks to/texts the male you currently are dating/hooking up with/or like; tends to be found in sophomores; annoying
by pissedoffbigtime01 June 5, 2009
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1. A girl who doesn't know who she is so feels da need to jock your sense of style n what you do.
2. This girl may watch your every move and try to imitate!
3. In other words she's ah jealous trick!
1. "Damn you ah jockin' hoe always tryna be me! You can neva be me!!"
by rae2flyy04 April 6, 2009
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When a person; male or female is all up on the tip(in their business) of another. Most commonly refers to when a guy appears to be all about another guy.
Fred was straight jockin' Mike when he rolled up with his new car!
by Dylan January 10, 2005
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just another line that soulja boi jacked from another artists who actually have talent
he aint got nothin on young joc
no doubt
guy 1: im jockin' on em...

guy 2: shut up kid, ur a 13 year old
jewish kid at a bat mitzvah

guy 1: and when we get ta fightin' dan im cockin on em

guy 2: *GUNSHOT*
by carl beee November 3, 2007
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