A smoothie made by the Jamba Juice fast food restaurant chain, typically made with an ice cream substitute, sugared fruit juice or sugared soy milk, and fruit. Tasty, but usually not healthy.
by USnip April 13, 2007
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A word replacing shit in adjective form to express something bad ass or hype
John: Did you see the Pioneer Drumline playing the other day?
Steve: oh yeah, that Jamba juice was hot son
by AAPS Drumline August 14, 2007
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This is when your friend cant sing the right words to Carl Carlton's number 1 hit single, She's a Bad Mama Jama.
Hootie- Mamba Jamba
The Blowfish- WHAT THE FUCK DARIUS?!!!!!!?!?!?!?
by Rucker Park December 22, 2010
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The Act of Masturbation, A Phrase that is used to describe Masturbation, obviously taken from the popular Jamba Juice chain of smoothie restaurants
My friend was caught Jamba Juicin it by his mother
by Thornbird April 4, 2010
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When a girl is in menstrual cycle she has "Jamba Juice"
Why is there so much Jamba juice on the ground!
by Shaiboo November 4, 2010
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An overrated smoothie shop, which makes smoothies that taste like liquefied flavored sugar.
Jamba Juice has nothing on Smoothie King.
by Nin10dude August 6, 2008
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It is basically a mixture of bodily fluids, which is a reference to the actual Jamba Juice store. To be specific it is basically a mixture of the water that comes out of a girl after she uses a douche and her urine. A urine and douche-water cocktail, to simplify.
Man, Megan Fox is so hot, I would drink her jamba juice!
by Kargg November 24, 2010
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