HE is sexy will do you good in the bed he has done blue eyes will make you wet instanly he is an athlete he is very fast he doesn’t date to many girls and is usually lonely😢😞
(Person 1) who is Jaden (person 2) he is a sexy white boy
by Ayeeeebean May 10, 2018
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An amazing guy. He's cute, sweet, caring, and the most selfless person you'll ever meet. Sometimes he might piss you off but, you could never stay mad at him. He does the cutest things, and he's definitely an athlete. He will always care for you and never make you sad. If you have you better hold onto him. He's a keeper.
Did you see Jaden today, he looked so cute!
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a boy who tries to be the innocent one but deep down he is very funny light hearted and dirty minded. hes a gamer, sports player, and just and overall good person. jadens are typicaly are people who like to joke around but sometimes have low self esteem and they tend to lie a lot. they also apear to be realy hot in a wierd way, and u dont have a reason not to like him.
i dont know why i like jaden but i dont have a reason not to
by big nasty boi 15 March 21, 2019
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Amazing kid... he is selfless and loves everyone. All girls fall for him and he loves animals..
If you see a Jaden keep him around.
by JadenROX😜😎 March 21, 2017
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If you meet a Jaden man your lucky. He’s dirty, that’s the first but he’s really kind and nice. He’s secretly a dork but most of the time really popular. Many girls love him he’s a lover boy. He’s a keeper for sure.
Girl 1: I wish Jaden was my boyfriend!
Girl 2: he’s my boyfriend.
Girl 1: imma bout to steal
by dumbfucks.0 March 10, 2020
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jaden? their only mean to you because he thinks your fun to be around. their probably not the most attractive person, but boy will they win you over with their sense of style. they are one of the funniest person you’ll meet. jadens are smart as shit. jadens who are male, have a huge d*ck. or at least they say they do. jadens who are female, have more guy friends the they have girl friends. why? because they feel they connect better with guy friends then they do with girls friends. anyways, don’t loose a jaden !
girl 1: so what’s the name of your boyfriend?
girl 2: jaden

girl 1: i think i’m boutta steal
girl 2: don’t try he’s loyal asf
by jeisjahaha November 2, 2019
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