boy: what day is it today?
girl: April 28, KICK GUYS NUTS DAY
by l0ngl3gs March 22, 2021
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The Day Eva becomes my Longest relationship 💜💜
Let’s hang out on April 28
by Zezyzec April 26, 2021
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Friend 1: wow your boyfriend is so hot. What are u doing for April 28th?
Friend 2: I know, I’m so lucky! I’m gonna do anything he says
by april28creator April 27, 2021
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The day all the worst bitched were born and the most hated
Hey! its your birthday on April 28 you must be someone no one likes and are an absolute bitch to everyone
by Yoohoo bitch! November 18, 2020
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National do what your boyfriend tells you to
It’s a law
Do it ladies.
Him: hey babe, send me $69
Her: ok ig I will cause it’s April 28
by Buttbubble April 27, 2020
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