To make a trumpet noise into a females vagina(s)
Trumpeting Chad: yo nigga i doot (ed) on some hot girl yesterday.
by Jollabanger December 26, 2018
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I'm gonna doot some tunes.
Doot that dude.
Punch that guy straight in the doot!
by Minerman1990 May 4, 2019
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Frequently used when describing a person, action, or anything that is stupid.
“Yo, billy just tripped over that cone. Fuckin doot

by Yaboyjeffe November 29, 2019
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A term created to be used to replace the word dude or someone you call who is ur friend
Yo, what’s good my doots

Hey a doots
by Rimas/Duoham/Reeysat October 18, 2018
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A box halfway-filled with Nicolas Cage films and memrobelia.

Or a mummified pre-mortal badger.
"Dude! I was looking through your doot and i found Lord of War! Can i borrow it?"

John- "Hey what happened to you face?"
David- "Oh nothing really.. i got attacked by a doot last night. It was totally my bad though i shouldn't of been crawling around in its burial chamber."
by mulletmilitia69 April 29, 2010
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An all around gretting / saluation / exclamation / question
Whats up doot?
what the doot!
doot? aka, huh?
by scrollios December 13, 2004
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An update to a map game.
Fucking Host won't upload the goddamn doot!
by Uhhhhhhh Yeah April 23, 2017
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