Nick Spike is the definition of Bro. The dude lifts. He is a living, breathing, incarnation of the concept of Bro. Muscle ups? Human flagpole? No problem- Spike can do it. He trains legions of bros in training in the weight room 3 days a week. They all aspire to be as huge as he is.
by huge lifter dude December 27, 2014
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A brother in arms
A man close to you
Bro 1:Hey bro
Bro 2:wassup bro
Bro 1: close ur eyes bro
Bro 2: k bro
Bro 1: what do u c bro
Bro 2: nothing bro
Bro 1: thats my world without you bro
Bro 2: thats deep bro
by Intellectual Minecrafter July 14, 2019
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If your boyfriend or girlfriend says this to you, dude you just got friend-zoned.
Bro stop.
Did I just get friend-zoned?
by #Yolo2025 October 16, 2021
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The closest a person can get to you emotionally.
Ben: “Hey bro
Kayla: “Awwww you’re so sweet”
by YeetersonPeterson69 May 15, 2019
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Ihop server: What would you like to eat?

Customer: Can I have New Bacon Milkshake?

Ihop server: Bro?
by Gizzlyy June 3, 2021
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Bro as in calling a girl that
Yno that dude called me bro like tf ye don’t call a girl da💀
by Nimota January 8, 2020
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