a subgenre of rock music that involves screaming, hard rock, and sometimes emotional lyrics (aka screamo)

a person who listens to this music in addition to having a dark edgy style.
he's so emo.
by TheApologeticHoser September 22, 2021
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people who hate their life.
boy: hey
emo kid: leave me the hell alone
by victoria maria February 7, 2015
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I am emo cause I wear all black and black make up
by BEING EMO August 19, 2021
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Every 6th grader in a school when someone breaks up with them.

Males/ Females with black hair, black nails, chokers, Black makeup, Striped red and black clothes, And piercings.

They also cut their arms, saying their depressed, and wanting to kill themselves. Also attention seekers.
Dude 1: wanna hear a joke?
Dude 2: Sure.
Dude 1: Why cant emos high five trees?
Dude 2: Why?
Dude 1: Because itll leave them hanging
by Ryan Burrus is gay October 24, 2022
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a person that is obsessed with black, wolves and always in calling girls, grills.
OMG Grills. I am not emo. Omg Grills, how do you not adore black omg grils
by August 12, 2022
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being extremely edgy and fakes mental disorders. Usually kids or weird teens. They usually wear black and make TikTok’s about their shoes in public.
I’m emo!”- Emily 🥺🥺🥺😱😱🥱🥱😍😍😭😭💀💀💁
by Th3BIackCat June 7, 2022
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