If you want to move through a tight crowd, just start retching and gagging like you're going to vomit. Never fails to part a crowd. The Puke Moses.
How can we get out of this packed crowd nobody is moving?

- Puke Moses your way through
by Deviantmind Mich November 5, 2017
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Those spark pukes really think they're something.
by Horse cock 77 May 6, 2022
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When food walks across your throat when you weren't even eating.
Oh gross, I just had a puke burp, my throat is burning.
by Goodole Chen February 14, 2017
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Act or acts of people puking on demand for pleasure or empty oneself of drugs to ingest drugs again.
Hey where did you go?
"O ya i was Paul Puking. Its something i fuck with hard now. Mi butt buddy Rodney got me into it."
by tony'snakesquad June 1, 2020
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When you fuck someone with puke covering your dick/finger.

Probably not popular porn wise, but I just got it from Lucifer Valentine, who's probably dead. Rest in peace.
Lucifer: Man, gotta love puke-fucking, ey?

Interviewer: Uhhhh, yeah
by ChaoticStixx October 20, 2018
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When someone is completely blacked out, they can't control their vomit and at the last second they form a repository with their shirt to catch the uncontrolled flow of vomit. This usually occurs in a seated position indoors or in a car.
Person 1: Dude couldn't hold back the chunks in the backseat, but he was polite enough to form a puke canopy.

Person 2: Lucky, my buddy just chunked on my window thinking it was rolled down.
by slopes_in_sanfrancisco September 26, 2015
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When your friend gurgles a strong liquour in an attempt to impersonate a submarine but instead proceeds to puke into a bowl, the floor, and even the wall before reaching the bathroom.

All this while making a drinking game out of watching high school musical.
David: "Here look at this" *gargles whiskey*
Friend: "ew why would you do that?"
David: "Look I'm a submarine" *gargle gargle*
Friend: ...
David: *Projectile vomits all the way through the corridor to the bathroom*

"Last night David totally did a High School Musical Tactical Puke Deluxe"
by Mangokalsong October 16, 2022
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