Yes, she has a capital "L" in her name, don't worry, it's not a typo! She's beautiful, smart, funny, sometimes so stupid that's why I love her and she's one of my best friends. She is shy but not afraid to express herself with words cause she will talk back to you if you mess with her or her friends. She's really caring and she has become my sister since grade 7, and look at us now, 6 years later. She struggles with body image, but she needs to know and keep a reminder that she is beautiful inside out, from head to toe. She is one of the best and prettiest people I know and who make me happy and who make me tear up because I'm happy and thankful. I love my best friend, she's my sister and if you mess with her, you mess with me. So don't even think about it cause I got her back 24/7, best friends are everything, keep them close and never put a guy before them, they were there since the beginning and they are still here. Show them how much you love them and care for them. This can't explain how much I love and care about her because it's unspeakable, unexplainable, it never stops. She betters herself every day and seems to amaze me each time. I hope you find this one day, read it and if you don't know who wrote this about you, that's fine, but remember that ILYSM!!!! You're smarter than you think, and worth so much more than 1 million diamonds, so shine bright and be yourself.
Me: Have you ever heard about this girl name CaitLin?

Bully: Yeah.

Me: She's my best friend !! Mess with her .. better watch out cause I could come out of nowhere and you will think twice about messing with her.

Bully: Why would you even fight for her?

Me: Cause she's my best friend?!? If she goes down, I'm coming down with her. She better make room cause I'm pretty thick (lol).
Bully: Whatever...
Me: Whatever is the correct answer, and you wouldn't understand because I don't see you with any friends and a friend named CaitLin, may I correct myself, a best friend named CaitLin... It's pretty rare to find one with a capital "L" in the middle of her name, I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Bye! (;
by InstrumentalDreamer March 4, 2018
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a bad ass hoe

shy asf and gets a n g e r y when people mess her around
just a whole ass bean with a long neck.
hey, that girl looks like a bean!! her neck is long asf too...
oh that must be caitlin!
by yeetusdeletusthatfetus69420 November 2, 2019
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You are probably ginger tbh
Idk why but literally all 5 of the Caitlin's I know are Ginger :/
There's nothing wrong with that though, cos ur probs very smart, determined and hardworking :)
addicted to coffee
A:"Ewwww look a ginger"
S:"That's Caitlin though..."
A:"And? I'm ginger-phobic"
S:"Yeah me too tbh..."
by SopNibanofi May 29, 2022
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A Caitlin is someone who has a new crush every week, however these crushes never get anywhere successfully. They either think she is a weirdo, or don't even know her name. Caitlins are very narcissistic people, who somewhat think they are better than everyone else. They seem to come back to college/work every week with a new embarrassing story of how their life is ruined. Some word of advice, never trust a Caitlin to organize any sort of social hangout, as she will always manage to fuck up somehow. 1/50 Caitlins are also massive KPOP addicts, who base their mood off of a recent VLive, or a new album coming out, etc... We don't like Caitlins.
"OMG did you see the new girl who joined last week??! She's so cringe and embarrassing, dare I say even full of herself."

"Yeah, she's such a caitlin!"
by lilnugget:) April 28, 2023
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You don’t spell Caitlin like katelan it’s stupid
by Green dinosaur November 22, 2021
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Uh, she's a beast, I call her Karma, She eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer , Be careful, try not to lead her on
Shawty heart is on steroids, 'Cause her love is so strong, You might fall in love when you meet her, If you get the chance, you better keep her

shes amazing. I love caitlin.
Caitlin is a fucking boss
by unknownshark March 13, 2023
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