Having a Bible study and/or prayer with the Bass section.
That sesh was so fire my eyes are red from crying
by ELREYDULCE November 17, 2022
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The act of excessive drinking and sometimes smoking/doing drugs in a field, dark alley way, or some place no one will find you. Mainly a field. Usually underaged but not always. Done in session stompers such as Filas or superstars. NEVER in a club or civilised environment in nice outfits.
by aldi is shan July 11, 2019
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"Hey arthur, want to have a sesh and play some dogeball?"

"Wow, Ernest is the KING of sesh's"

"There is no sesh without a Josh!"

"Will is the best at the PS sesh"

"Vinnie, come have a sesh with us!"
by Barrry B Benson May 5, 2020
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getting mangled to the point where you have less than 0 brain cells left staring at a bag of k or coke at 6am at the crack of day light licking the remainders shivering in a blanket in the smokers
the sesh will turn you into a zombi from black ops
by mrshemmo1996 November 12, 2019
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Aye lets listen some Sesh music
by ksblzs December 8, 2017
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