Older coded street slang for Heroin. It's typically used in contrast to White Girl which often refers to cocaine, or less often Fentanyl, and also Heroin. One example of where you can hear or read it used is in the book Pimp: The Story of My Life, an auto-biographical novel written by Iceberg Slim. In the back you can find examples and definitions that give context to other slang terms used throughout the novel and audiobook as well.
Wha'cha lookin for, jack? I got white boy, girl, China; I even got some ice on the low. Jus' tell me what y'need, baby.
by Ogi Kidd May 12, 2021
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A boy that is white, that whips a lot, makes aesthetic Instagram posts, and uses terms instead of “pretty” to describe a girl.
by WhiteBoy12335 October 1, 2017
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Every group has that one white boy.....
Yo that’s my white boy, he’s wit the shits
by GRIM WALDO May 29, 2019
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A group that should honestly just be their own ideology. I can't believe some people have the gall to depict them as human beings. They're loud, obnoxious, never shut up about their favorite sport as well as their spot on their school's varsity sports team, they're usually either Republicans or so-called "Democrats" with a savior complex (i.e. posting a black square for BLM), comment stuff like "L" or "Cringe" when an influencer talks about racism or the LGBT community, make unfunny pronoun jokes, won't shut up about "Emily BLM ACAB", thinks "Ratio" and "Quandale Dingle" are the funniest things ever, fetishize MLM relationships in fiction while also going "ayo sus" whenever they see a gay couple in real life, and always use that annoying phrase "Me and the boys🥶". Also will NOT shut up about white girls liking uggs boots and Starbucks, even though those girls at least don't obnoxiously scream in someone's ear every 5 seconds about that pumpkin space latte they drank this morning, like most white boys do with their sports teams.
Cole: There's this one mf in my 3rd period class I can't stand. He won't shut up about that touchdown he made in last night's game, yells really loud in the hallway, and keeps asking me if I know why "white girls love Starbucks so much".

Laila: Sounds like a typical white boy to me.
by superbowserfan64 July 30, 2022
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That white boy can't dance.
What you gon' do, white boy?
by chuckfs April 6, 2021
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