(1.) The act of bragging about something not at all worth bragging about. (2.) Someone who constantly brags or talks about things as if you should be jealous, when, in reality, you could really care less.
Walked into work with Lisa this morning. She was rats-assing about her weekend the whole way in.
by Cap1941 August 7, 2010
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The greatest gaming youtuber of all time, according to award winning journalist GraciousLagrebr
I was just watching Sinister Rat the other day, love that guy!
by Sinister Rat September 4, 2021
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An alcoholic shot containing equal parts of ..
1 oz. PATRON
Served chilled in a rocks glass.
Bra, I got so messed up last night playing 7, 14, 21. I lost like 5 times in a row and had to take a rats nest shot each time.
by TruffleButterINSmalltownMN August 31, 2015
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The most bottom in the world they will always claim they are a top or a switch but in reality they are a sad bottom.
"Casey you really are a moist rat."
by Pridedspartan99 February 25, 2021
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An example of when a crippled is mean to you you can say “ stfu crippled rat.”
Man: “you’re so gay!”
Jack: “Shut up you crippled rat you wish you could move but you can’t!”

- Caleb Ross
by ZigaNinjaAntYT April 29, 2020
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When u fit ur whole foot in some good ass pussy and u flick around like u got rat on ur spatula.
Yo I just got a rat spatula up my ass.
Yo that’s dope Bria.
by Yesssurrrrrrr February 13, 2021
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to do cocaine by snorting a line
Brian: Did you smash the rat at the rave yesterday?
Mike: No, I don't do coke
by snortex November 26, 2017
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