A person who flies a drone over someone else's property without their approval, especially deliberately. Technically legal though. Landowners don't own airspace.
Don't fly that drone over there you airspace rapist!
by TheFunnyGuy88 July 4, 2023
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When you scare a woman with your voice. To the point where she seeks help to avoid you at all costs. An you appear to be a rapist just because you talked to her.
Kevin, Hey whats up, i think your pretty would you like to go to a movie?

Shelby, Someone help me please he scares me!!!

Teacher, Your Verbal Rapist Kevin! Go to the Dean!
by A Band Of Horses!!! September 23, 2014
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A person who has the intelligence level of a fucktarded idiot who goes around slurping rectums and raping sloths (not necessarily in that order.) and who also finds pleasure out of feces and hideous women.
by BendJehovah March 7, 2014
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A stranger, or acquaintance that preys upon others for their sympathy, without regard to their familiarity with the person.
Kyle is such a sympathy rapist. He just walks up to people he doesn't know, and starts telling them about his problems so that someone will feel bad for him.
by SeÑorSpicyBoi November 13, 2022
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Typically short, eastern European, and insecure men who project their insecurities on to others. Common behavior includes fighting and sexually forcing themselves on to others.
My nap ended abruptly when the Napoleon rapist jumped into the bed.

The Napoleon rapist wouldn't give me my sweater back unless I gave him fellatio, a sort of quid pro blow
by actd November 4, 2019
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A player with a first touch in Football(Soccer) that is so horrid that it goes immediately to the opposite team or out of bounds.
I gave Gino the perfect through ball and he just had to show off his Rapist Touch and fuck it all up.
by Daryl Katzanguol March 23, 2015
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uses a cats foot and shoves it up your arse
by daddy papi oooh yaya March 5, 2021
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