One luxuriously bad ass sea creature from a place more mystical than the moon. Where is this place you ask? It is all around you. Scared? Don't be, he's here to love you.
My friends and I were on a boat thinking, "We're on a mo-f**kin' boat b**ches, how can life get any better?!?" But just then the Naughty Luxe showed Up and showed Us how to REALLY live. He was show-on!
by Nettleless October 13, 2011
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Aaron: "What you doin tonigth homie?"
Jake: "O you know, just chillin, probably bumpin' naughtys later.
Aaron: fashow
by Jake7771 July 29, 2008
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The typical English white girl covered in make up 3 inches deep , like your penis she jsut put in you , STOP IT BECKY DONT BE NAUGHTY
WATCH OUT naughty becky is ABOUT !! She’ll grab it and slap it , 🍆
by Cockmonster November 5, 2019
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When someone says something you don't agree with or find a bit weird or controversial (e.g acting sus)
You would Use this set of words in the beginning of a sentence or just say them on their own after the phrase you dont agree with occurs.
Person1: Wait there a second i'm coming now
Person2: I'm 'coming' in your mom hahaha
Person3: Naughtis Tortoise, why you got to be acting sus like that
by OatmealUser January 3, 2022
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Naughty is a catch phrase used most famously by David Parody in his YouTube Videos to describe how awesome he is
by thegod71499 March 10, 2022
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When you upvote something just so it should have 69 upvotes.
Example: couldn’t think of one for naughty.
by JimboNaughtyBoy October 14, 2022
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Naughty means to lose your virginity and do bad things.
I am very naughty
by NAUGHYBOI March 28, 2021
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