The leader of ILLEGAL ARMY, he is feking strong and pro in almost every game. He don't like heros, he likes the villians like him.the guy who never talk to girls first.he don't like to party much but if he had someone cool, maybe his mood can be changed. He has pure heart even Kent r.o can't beat him. He usually talk very less and silently notice everything. But at the end he is multi talented, he was good singer, dancer, painter, he can write manga and comics.

He is damm cute .

One eye contact with him can keeps you whole day smiling .that's the ILLEGAL JOKER
ILLEGAL JOKER the legend of the gaming
by Dream 57 November 23, 2021
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Pussy Joker was a saying used to refer to common low level street mugs on the Streets of the greater New York area in the 1930's. In the Modern era it is Commonly used to refer to men who trawl dating apps such as tinder looking for a woman to be associated with a cat, talk a about a cat or reference any feline in any form. Then they pounce making an inane outdated innuendo using the word pussy. they then proceed to high five themselves and look extremely smug.
GAZZA; Hey chad check out think chick on tinder shes totes into cats all her profile photos have a cat in them
CHAD: oi bro tell her she has a nice pussy *CHORTLE CHORTLE*
GAZZA: *types nice pussy*
CHAD: nice one bro!
High fives all round.

Tinder cat girl: hey Stacey why are all the guys on tinder such fucking pussy jokers???
by XRAYs January 2, 2017
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Joker Please, a substitute for the more Inflammatory form used when someone is trying to scam, jive, or blow smoke.
$30 dollars to mount a new tire ?? !! Joker Please !!
by Swisher rolled tight January 13, 2021
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To cross one's fingers and insert them into the female vagina while she is on her menstrual cycle and continuously twisting the fingers.
Juicer joker that hoe.
Have you been juicer jokered lately?
by wet banana February 17, 2011
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The scene of one of the most magnificent moments of history
"Hey Dimitri, I just had a crazy hamburger from made in the Joker Kitchen"
"Damn Limstoph, I have never been more jealous of anyone in all my 69 years on this earth"
by Dry_Moisture December 11, 2020
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