Kathy Johnson, 8, Third Grade

"The Roughy Rough and Tough Spaceship soars to all the planets in five minutes each. It can ruin any crater in it's path. It can take samples of the air, and 5,000 people can fit in it. It can also capture the Martians and aliens. It can go to heaven and steal the clouds. It can go to "Planet X" and "The Monkey Planet" with insane monkeys. The monkeys and "Monkey Planet" travel to Earth and get all the bananas in the world."

Is from a newspaper article and was posted on the Gamefaqs Message Board LUE
*Flies through topic in Roughy Rough and Tough Spaceship *
by faceguydude April 21, 2004
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The act of forcibly inserting a nine iron into your lover's rectum and extracting fecal matter and blood. Much like a golf course, you know it's time to move onto the next hole when you get to the green stuff at the end.
Yeah man, I was putting through the rough last night. Let's just say that Tiger Woods isn't the only man Scarlet admires for their skills with a nine iron anymore.
by Niggslayer December 2, 2006
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When a white nigga takes a hot 10 and throws her into the back of his 13 year old Cadillac and roofies her with a right hook to the jaw and leaves her there until she wakes up then he hits her in the eyeball with his penis juice and spanks her with his white penis
Did you hear about the girl who got the "Back Seat Rough-Em Up"
by ShrinkeeDickee February 13, 2018
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Cchr1s has them.
Cchr1s has rough ears.
by Iplaydatrumpetjones October 12, 2020
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i honestly don’t know lola brooke said it so i just went along with it

by biggestsmoochiealive January 14, 2023
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A person who is not very attractive but dresses very nicely, thus increasing their attractiveness through the help of expensive clothing.
No one would look at her if she dressed casually, she is a rough in the diamond.
by LocalClusteringCoefficient January 10, 2017
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When a woman puts hot sauce on your dick and rides it till it's raw.
Dude, me and that girl at the party did the Mexican Rough rider in the bathroom I still can't feel my crotch.
by rarooklol May 19, 2016
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