Error Krail is a kind, slightly cocky husband. He tends to care a lot about people close to him, yet never shows it. He has quite a bit going through his head all the time, but keeps silent about it, for he doesn’t wish to worry anyone. He’s kind, understandable, thoughtful, funny, and would do anything for the ones he cares so much about.
Me: Sir! Error Krail! You have been such a nice gentleman, how do you do it?
Him: Well, a simple smile can do such wonders for anyone having a rough day.
by Shiri Krail October 24, 2020
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That look that you make when someone asks you a question, and you technically know the answer, but you lack the English syntax and grammar to express it.
He asked what was wrong with the printer and she just gave him that error look
by zzozc May 23, 2022
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A pilot error is a pregnant flight attendant
Why is Susan off work?

Jessica: She’s off work due to pilot error.
by Gert Barr April 6, 2021
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1. A fuckup so bad it would already be considered 404, but one step higher.
2. (technical) HTTP Status 405: Method Not Allowed, and its like asking the newspaper boy to make a weather buoy at a specific coordinate. He probably wont do it because, well, hes not meant to!
1. My brain just had an Error 405 at the exam today
by Preinstallable April 19, 2020
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this error is a type of error where pictures dont appear
the image will show error 212313618736127361 because the image cant be loaded or not allowed by the google mods because whenever u send a image a google bot or person will check it
by IndogsMustDIe September 15, 2021
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When your judgement of a person is distorted because you're having sex with them and view them from a different angle. Like parallax error - but with sex.
"She is a 10!"
"ehh.. sounds like parasex error to me"
by theejudge August 2, 2015
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When Someone blunders there order of caps in a sentence like putting a caps at the start of a sentence but not on the name of a person
"Yo james"

"OMG can you believe she made a Clear Caps Error"

"Clearly you shouldn't have made a CCE and instead said "Yo James" "
by THORA HOLDEN December 22, 2022
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