This technique lead me to write better about my work.
by Audace May 8, 2019
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Lead Hat-trick: In this defensive maneuver, the defender quickly draws his pistol and hits the attacker with 3 consecutive shots delivered (in order) to the attacker's groin, chest, and head (allowing the recoil of each shot to naturally raise the point of aim for the next shot). The attacker is thereby triple fucked and the defender can lay claim to successfully executing the legendary Lead Hat-trick.
Did you hear another crackhead broke into the local service garage again. This time, Bill was ready and pulled off the legendary Lead Hat-trick.
by November 3, 2023
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Rhyming slang for "Gobshite". People who explain quite confidently how things should be done, but really they have no clue, or their own agenda that benefits no-one but themselves.
He's explaining how war benefits mankind, what an utter Leading Light.
by RealityIsASimulation August 16, 2022
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A simple abbreviation of smoke weed and then pop bottles; used mainly for kids under 21 so that their parents won't know what they're really doing
Jon: "Are we still gonna swat lead this weekend?"

Mark: "Fuck yeah man"
by Jon D.W. Brown May 8, 2008
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Lead, Shredding, Lead Shredding, Shred, Shredder

1) A slang term for firing a weapon, usually a fully automatic.

2) Someone who is immune to bullets, like many main characters in movies, TV shows, ect.
1) "Hey Matt, you in for shredding lead in Gears of War after school?"

2) "Damn... what the hell is up with anime these days? All the central characters just shed the lead and talk shit all episode.
by Led Shredder August 22, 2007
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Something which Jim Sterling, in his infinite wisdom, has pointed out as being shit.
Jim: "Dear Esther is so fucking sheep-leading."
by Slab Bulkchest March 12, 2012
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An alternative to the saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t get him to drink”.

Since Chernobyl is a highly radioactive area...death is certain if you remain there for too long.
-Leading a Horse to water in Soviet Russia- Example Below for better use and help to understand old proverb...
American: “here we say you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t get him to drink”
Russian: “in Soviet Russia they used to say something like that too! Except it went... you can lead a horse to water, but you can also lead your horse to Chernobyl! And then you’re both fucked!”
American: “cold world huh”
Russian: “nope just Siberian Winter
-Leading a Horse to Water in Soviet Russia-
by Smoke and Fork Banger’s Club November 7, 2018
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