It is the affect when performing intercourse and the penis is not fully erect and pliable. Usually alcohol induced.

also known as "bent knuckle"
the "bent knuckle" affect is......I went out with the boyz last night and got drunk. afterwards I hooked up with my girl and gave her the bent knuckle. thank god for K-Y and a shoe horn
by willie 1234 November 3, 2011
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A Cajun term for being so inebriated that you’re slouched over like a shrimp 🍤
When someone asks you “how drunk are you?”, your reply would be “ma’am I’m bent like a shrimp
by Gymrat48 February 22, 2020
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Karen: "I wanted to park there!"
Canadian:"get bent bud"
"You need to pay off your student debt or we'll be taking your home"
"Get bent buddy I just graduated"
by Mr.Meeseeks November 4, 2021
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The term “Get Bent British Style” refers to “getting bent” or, in a not so polite term, getting fucked, or telling one to go fuck themselves, the British style, is when one get’s to partake in anal sex, and an enema, but instead of the person allowing the water to escape the body, they instead put a tea bag within their anal cavity, therefore, getting “bent” (fucked in the ass) British style (tea bag within anal cavity mid-enema)
Chad: What did you tell your boss after he fired you for indecent exposure during work hours?

British Chad: I told the wank’r to “Get Bent British Style”

Chad: What’d he do next?

British Chad: He went to go have hardcore anal sex, he was always very gullible.
by Stylophone Jack April 24, 2021
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