Phrase used on the internet (founded by a man going under the alias of Flamecrest) to express your disapproval in a longer sentence than 'No.' or 'GTFO.' Counterpart of 'To vote pro'.
"We shoud totally have a Urban Dictionary sub-forum!"
"Hell no, I vote con."
by FDman May 18, 2010
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hey urban dictionary voters! if you could vote "add it" for this word that would be great! that's right! just move your mouse to the neon green button that says "Add it!"...and click! perfect! you're all set!
vote yes! plz! last chance...
please please please vote ADD IT for this word & definition!
by askkkkkkk January 9, 2020
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vote yes or your gay
vote yes so i can flex on my friends
friends: oh you have a word on urban dictionary dam thats cool
me: yeah ik
vote yes on this
by ur boy ludde May 9, 2019
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i think urban dictionairy removed the voting feature, i cant see it
they removed the voting feature
by ISipCum May 3, 2021
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a voting system in which two candidates from different parties are voted for. May also be used as an attributive adjective, as in a split-vote system.
A split-vote is not in practice in Nepal.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 January 30, 2015
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What you should do if you want this goddam website to evolve faster

If you vote on Urban Dictionnary, you can help definitions to be included or suppressed for everyone's becoming smarter persons ;)
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