It orginally came from a man who forgot to cleanse his ass which led to the STD Emascititus. Rotten Remy also occures if you perform a dirty Muddy Alaskan
Last night me and my girl Betty were have sweet anal sex when she pulled a Muddy Alaskan on me. Now I've got a Rotten Remy.
by Autica February 25, 2005
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Definition: Rotten Rat : A person, group of people or a small business in which the owner and most stakeholders/employees have a severe gambling addiction and do shitty roofing work to support their habit.
Used in a sentence : “God damn those rotten rats messed up my roof
by Ken22? April 9, 2020
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The toxic side of nctzens (NCT fans)
"rotten grass needs to stfu and stay in their rotten side" oh yes pls
by leonsloml August 3, 2021
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One must first get a nice biker jacket and make it smell as disgusting as possible. Commonly filling the pockets with trash, rotting carcasses of animals and even feces. Then once one feels it smells bad enough one puts on the garment and gets any willing partner to have relations with them.

The of the wearer is to smell so bad that the partner can't control their stomach. They then proceed to vomit. It is then accustomed to pull out a comb "switchblade"and apply vomit. Finally the comb is brushed through the hair. All they is left is to give a thumbs up. "Eyyyyyyy"
Frank gave that dumb bitch a Rotten Fonzie last night.
by superpunx138 January 16, 2021
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When you leave a fig too long and it goes off and it has bacteria.
The rotten figs smell like poo.
by Debskelly1985 March 1, 2023
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Similar to the dirty sanchez but not just the remnants, it must be deliberately thick like Charlie Chaplin’s stache. See also a more aggressive version of the stinky hitler
Lexy was being a jabroni so I gave her a rotten charlie!
by Bljoeahxs April 1, 2018
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Is when ur witch is so mangled that she can be called this. However, the person saying this literally worships the ground she walks on and loves her.
Omg Lucy is such an Old broken crippled bent wonky stupid rotten crusty witch that I would get on my hands and knees to worship her.
by Witch man August 29, 2022
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