From Australia, "pitch a wobbly" describes a young child having a full on tantrum, usually in a public place.
Wow, I'm glad I'm not that kid's mom, he's about to pitch a wobbly.
by Mar1954 August 9, 2010
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"Gender wobbly" describes a category of gender that does not fit the binary, but is not as general as "Genderqueer."

It is typically used to describe a person who does not feel as though they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, but lack the connection to that gender.

People who identify as "Gender wobbly" use the pronouns she/they or he/they, to indicate that they may present as one gender, but are not attached to it.
"Is Sam a boy or a girl?" "Neither, they're gender wobbly."

"Morgan's wearing a dress today, I thought she was nonbinary." "They're actually gender wobbly and today they feel like wearing a dress, but tomorrow she might prefer jeans and a t-shirt."
by mirnell September 5, 2023
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A slut. A woman with a very well used vagina.
Dude, she's a total wobbly box. It's like fucking a bucket of water.
by THE Gyakk Pvaann January 3, 2021
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Phrase came from a certian genius Mike John. Has two meanings:
1)Said when there is an akward silence or in a crowded hallway, funny enough to get a laugh even in a funeral.
2) Said when doing a kareoke song by Dave Matthews Band and you forget the words.
2) "What would you say, BLIP WOBBLE WET PEMYAS!!! What would you say..."
by Kill_Billdogg March 23, 2005
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A girl with acne and considerable cleavage, that is somewhat exposed and jiggling about
Goodness me friend, did you happen to catch a gaze of that titty wobbling zitty goblin? I believe that look is trending
by CorporalClink August 11, 2020
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