Lighting a fire under somebody's ass isnt a way to get somebody to do their job better, it's a way to try and scare someone into doing what you want them to do for you. It always has been.
People could do without someone trying to go around lighting a fire under people's asses.
by Solid Mantis January 12, 2021
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Trying to force someone else to become compliant with, or get in line with your agenda/policies, especially somebody who regularly tells you to go fuck yourself.
He/she tried lighting a fire under the guy's ass when not taking the word no or the words go fuck yourself for a legitimate answer wasn't working.
by Solid Mantis January 20, 2021
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When your still employed with a company, but instead of firing you they never schedule you no matter how much you beg/bother them about getting any hours and that you want to work whenever they could use you.
My employer is too big of a vagina to straight up fire me, so they soft fired me instead.
by Little Johnny July 17, 2023
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Is a gypsy on the hot road never stoping , burning the highway up and to those who meet her love her with a fiery passion or hate her burning their asses up. .
That fire gypsy is gone leaving smoke streams
by Notyo johnson November 6, 2021
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He/She who holds stick to fluff fire
Big rugby man holds big wooden stick in big wooden chair around a fire and is designated as the fire fluffer.
by Penny Cushing May 3, 2020
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The reaction or feeling a woman has to an adorable baby that makes her want to have a baby. Hence, her womb is on fire.
When I saw the cute and adorable baby I immediately had womb fire.
by Nola Detroit August 7, 2018
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