Combines to the common saying of "being in the closet" meaning to be non-publicly queer and fighting demons.
Person 1:"I came out and my friend said: 'We all have those thoughts, we just gotta fight them'"

Person 2:"Man's not fighting demons, he's fighting closet hangers."
by KubaKaktus April 22, 2023
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Different method to the traditional coat hanger abortion, once the coat hanger is inserted as far into the vagina as it will go, use a whisk like motion which will scramble the newly formed embryo and congratulations you have an abortion.

However botched methods may result in a redneck/bogan harry potter.
Girl: "my priest knocked me up, but my religion says i should keep it"

Bloke: "yeah, nah just use the trusty coat hanger scramble and quiff it out later"
by eat mike hunt January 9, 2021
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A "Yes" man. A person who hangs around someone popular or perhaps influential status and is always kissing their ass.
Samantha is such a smooch hanger. She never stays at her desk or gets any of her work completed because she is always clinging on to Mr. Big.

Jack is making a fool of himself by blatantly sucking up to his rich neighbor. I am embarrassed for him because he is a silly smooch hanger!
by BlueberryHill November 5, 2013
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A person who is not emotionally intelligent enough to recognize the clues that the other person on the phone call, who he/she is talking to, wants to get off the fucking phone right now.
I’m talking to Tommy on the phone and I must have said 10 times, well Tommy I gotta get going! He ignores this and says “oh yeah! and one thing I wanted to tell ya quick was…BLAH BLAH!”

That Tommy dude is a BAD HANGER-UPPER!!!
by Tluv777 January 18, 2023
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someone that cant get over their ex , still wants to be with them .
by newbie._. July 10, 2017
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The act of having sex with a woman on the edge of a bed, and just as you come you let go of her and she falls off the bed.
Ron: Yeah!

Dierdre: WTF, you almost broke my neck!

Ron: Maybe so, but it was an awesome Cliff Hanger!!!


Realizing he only had a single bed and didn't want her to share it with him once they were done, he suggested they do The cliff Hanger.
by hornblatt April 19, 2010
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1.When a person is all in your biznizz, or jock, and they hating on yo sawg!!!
2. When someone copies yo swag or jocking yo shit
Kevin and his friend aways hating man they some Scrotum Hangers haha
by Deezy72 February 2, 2010
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