(Noun): someone who is attracted to the anthropomorphic animals in the game series " animal crossing ", particularly Isabelle , the blonde anthrodog that serves as a secretary.
That guy is such a furry. I hear he wants to smash Tom Nook!
by Mag8xmyke August 2, 2018
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A person part of the furry fandom that likes to ejaculate himself to yiff pornography which is basically borderline bestiality, they also love to go on places like secondlife and act retarded as hell just to ruin your day
Why do some people find krystal from starfox sexy?
I don't know, ask the furry losers over there.
by DankWeed420 February 26, 2016
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People who are into anthropomorphic animals. Animals that have human characteristics. May have sexual, romantic or no attraction to them. Furries join the fandom through costume, art, song, writing, and all sorts of art forms, and may create a 'fursona'. Their sexual interest in humans also relates to what they would be attracted on anthropomorphic animals. Some are exclusively attracted to furries only and some are not. Some are attracted to real animals which is zoophilia, and some are not. Just like real people, some of them are bad, some of them are fine.
"My son Cameron told me he wants to be a furry yesterday… He said he wanted to go to conventions in costume and that the people in the hobby are friendly to him and that the suit helps him be himself."

"I had a cousin who was a furry… He got arrested for animal abuse because he was openly having sex with his pets in his fursuits. The police also found many pictures of cartoon animals having sex, and emails to his online friends trading him pictures of each other having sex with their pets and arrested his friends as well."
by JHollyWood August 9, 2014
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A furry is a man or woman (no particular age) that likes the idea of anthropomorphic animals/creatures (dogs, cats, wolves, foxes, dragons etc...) What these people have to show they are a furry vary. From having a fursuit (a suit of their "fursona"), art of the anthropomorphic animal/creature, or merchandise.

Furry conventions are heald all over the world. The biggest furry convention being Anthrocon. Anthrocon is in Pennsylvania. At Anthrocon, you can sell fursuit heads, paws, feet paws, tails, ears, furry books, furry adult books (18+ nsfw content) or commission art. Each year at Anthrocon, there is 2 dance competitions. One is called Floor Wars, where a group of 1 or more compete against a group of the same number. Another is the biggest furry dance competition, hundreds compete and the competition lasts hours.

The last day of Anthrocon they have this thing called "the fursuit parade" where most, or sometimes all, of the fursuiters there walk in a line around the convention. Another thing to do on the last day of Anthrocon is called the "rave" where lots of furries (in-suit or not) go a room in the hotel and dance to loud music.
by Yuezna_Fox1130 May 15, 2017
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"Ere he's a Furry he shags like animals I heard him"
by BARRYBPIES March 30, 2021
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Simply put- when a person decides they wanna fuck an animal that looks like a human. This can also lead to autism, brain cell loss, and loss of chromosomes
Jeff: I wish I could fuck my dog, but I can't fuck Animals, its against the law. Buuutttt what if she wasn't a dog ! And thus my friends the furry was born
by YVNG GRAVY August 21, 2017
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