Refers to a creater of anime waifu and also wanks alot
He is a Hao Wei, i saw him wanking in his room yesterday
by Hao Wei October 8, 2019
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A Hao Wei is usualy someone who is nice and chill. He can also be badass regarding he may be a badass commando verteran.
You are such a Hao Wei
by Cadet Vet December 14, 2017
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A very muscular and handsome man. He must be really cool
Oh look at him, hes like a hao wei.

Yeah i wanna be fucked by him in my pussy.
by UnicornPussy February 1, 2019
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A term for a person who is a Racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic and a bitch.
She's such a Wei.
Wei's (plural form of Wei) are quite common in this era.
by Suckon thesenuts January 21, 2023
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A malformed, discolored, abnormally short, or otherwise disgusting penis
by Imkubo October 12, 2023
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Wei is a good person who cares about the ones he loves. He doesn’t open up to people often so if he tells you something important, it means he trusts you. People named “Wei” mature faster than others and look at life through a more realistic view but occasionally allow themselves to be swept away by their imagination. He’s a pretty trust-worthy friend and doesn’t judge others much unless they have really screwed up. He, like most guys, probably enjoys videos games. His other hobbies are sleeping and eating random things. A very chill guy but has hidden passion.
Person 1: “who’s the most trust-worthy person you know that will keep your secrets?”

Person 2: “It’s definitely Wei.”
by loser_on_the_web November 24, 2021
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A dominant woman, who only wants submissive men
wow! Wei has another submissive man on her arm!
by ipixel_L June 27, 2023
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