(Adj.) Short for scam and plagiarism
A: can I see your work?
B: don't be elie
by 3noi April 11, 2018
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Term used by New Yorkers that are also football fans of the New York Giants and Eli Manning. It is used to express emphasis or belief in something.
Cal: Yo Patrick.
Patrick: what's good good fam?
Cal: Yo, I'm mad hungry man. Word to Eli.

Patrick: Yo, Word to Eli, I could go for some grubb too.
by tical24 January 22, 2012
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One of the best MC's to ever do it. Best known for his rap battle with Envy, which ended in a controversial 2-1 decision for his opponent. Currently waiting in the cut, getting ready to release his mixtape that will shock the world.
"I'm the best mayne- I diiid it." - Eli Porter
by Eli's #1 Fan April 15, 2008
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A man who gives relationship advice to single men who don't want to date.
That man is a cuck Eli don't try to help him.
by Jamesg1 February 20, 2018
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Infamous for committing what was quite possibly the longest pause in a rap battle ever. Despite this shortcoming, many still regard him as one of the top 5 emcees Dead or Alive.
Eg's of Eli Porters work:
"See I'm the best maynne, I deed it"
"Look at these dentals mayne, withth dent on the grill"
and widely considered his Magnum Opus:
"You need to stay in the shade no wonder why you came out you were already in the gay parade".
by Eli the mayne April 17, 2008
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A double negative and an oxymoron, for when you want to call someone intelligent, smart, and classy in a comical manner. Consisting of two words braindead, when someone who's brain does not work; and an Elie, the one who masters the true power of the blade to become a professional e-girl puller. When you see this motha fucka walkin' the block you know this fools gonna solve cancer. A Braindead Elie can come in many forms such as a Chad or a professional street nigga.
"Honestly bro, I think I Braindead Elie'ed this test"

"Shit babe I didn't pull out in time"
"You fucking Elie!"
by ElieLover69 January 26, 2022
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A delicious drink made when you mix 375 ml of a honey flavored whiskey with Splenda sweet tea until it is a total volume of a gallon. This must be mixed in the jug.
Joseph showed up to the party with a Morgan Ely and left with a dime
by SWRX90 November 1, 2011
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