1. Da freeing of a still-dangerous inmate due to da warden's or parole-board's not being conscious at da time.
2. Da "conditional" freeing of a "problematic" inmate whose behavior --- or rather, MISbehavior --- while in prison indicates dat he cannot be reformed, and thus da only way dat he can be allowed to be out in public again would be if he was kept in a constant comatose state so dat he could not do anything hurtful to himself or others.
Dunno which would be more costly for da taxpayers --- keeping someone dangerous in jail, or purchasing da huge quantities of sedatives necessary for a stuporvised release.
by QuacksO December 27, 2019
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When an individual releases the smoke held in a bong without taking a hit. Releasing without fully clearing the bong.
Guy 1: Pull now!
Guy 2: *coughing*
Guy 1: You're releasing the ghost!
by Pool boy tim May 2, 2021
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Advertisement for global residency building becoming 100 floors by 2121
Google Play store ha those 100 floors releases
by Cody5050 January 26, 2022
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Typically referring to people from west palm beach being afraid to touch a fish so they rely on the fish falling off the hook by its self
Look at Karen she’s not touching the snapper she’s just wanting a west palm beach release.
by Swfl_Flats_Crasher February 16, 2021
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Hashtag #releasethebluesheets for stock market $mmtlp movement fighting for fair and free market trading for retail investors. Phrase was credited to retail investor space host DrewDiligence.
Hey @finra release the blue sheets #releasethebluesheets.
by MMTLP March 26, 2023
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The process of spreading your legs (if you are a woman) and release whatever may come out.
Hey babe, want to try something new tonight?

Are you thinking of the lift and release?

Hell yeah babe
by GRiZZ223 April 26, 2019
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Refers to either:
(1) Where you ask a gal if there would be any chance of her getting pregnant before you "let go" inside of her, or
(2) Where --- prior to your letting go of a door and allowing it to close again after you've been holding it open for one or more persons passing through --- you briefly duck your head around said door to make sure there aren't any other people heading for the doorway, thus avoiding your accidentally letting the door slam in the faces of these previously-unobserved folks.
Clueless dude, speaking plaintively to a social-advice counsellor: I always make a point of performing a pre-release safety-check before I let go of a door after holding it open for others; it just seems like a lot of times, the folks who are inside the house or store yell at me to "not let the heat out" or "not let the bugs in". Well, what da HECK am I SPOSTA do --- just blindly let da door slam shut again and risk bruising someone's face?!
Counsellor (gently and seriously): Oh, nooooo --- of course not. I would suggest standing inside the doorway so that you can see both inside and outside at the same time simply by turning your head; that way, you can check for stragglers during the final few seconds while the last person is entering/exiting the room, and thus it will not take any extra time to be safe.
by QuacksO August 30, 2018
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