For those who lack romantic tension, action, or experience with another.

In shorter words, you get no bitches.
You have romantic deficiency.
by EconomicMan123 February 7, 2022
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A hopeless romantic is a person who’s definition of love isnt as simple as the type of love one can experience.
A: Omg ure a hyunjin
B: What does that mean
C: Ure a hopeless romantic
by May 28, 2022
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he writes to you via gmail after you told him you were going to send him a restraining order
you: ugh he's such a hopeless romantic
by lilacheavenxoxo June 28, 2022
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omg look, it’s elle tracy. shes such a hopeless romantic double snapping that guy.
by ohbye November 10, 2021
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Success with a woman or man that facilitates the possibility of marriage for you.
That wasn't romantic success because I had no intention to marry him.
by Ereck Flowers March 18, 2015
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