When cousins are all at the beach surfing, and one has a totally hairy chest while the others are all baby-seal-slick, that hairy cousin has Francis Fur.

Francis Fur grows like a genetic mutation, and can not be easily shaved. Razors clog and break so tree trimmers are needed. Francis Fur creates enough static electricity on a dry winter day to power a house for a week.

Francis Fur has a Velcro effect and must be covered by a cotton shirt, preferably one with a 4 leaf Irish clover logo on it, in order to prevent static cling to any item.
During a family get together, Uncle Kurt told everyone a surfing story:

“Wow, when cousin Steve, went surfing with cousin Damon, they were riding a wave and really carving the tube. All of a sudden, both boards got magically stuck in the water and they both flew off into the rotor.”

“When they cam up, both boards were stuck to cousin Fran, who had been body surfing in the path. Apparently, his Francis Fur velcroed the boards because he didn’t have his t-shirt on.”

“Luckily, neither Steve nor Damon were injured when the boards were ripped out from under them.”
by No Tango and no Cash September 29, 2023
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-Where six hands are present on one body in a sexual manner. Most often two pairs belong to males and the third pair belongs to the female getting the attention.

-Deriving its name from the founder of San Francisco where the act was defined.
While camping out with Jon and Jacob, Janet was the happy recipient of the Six Handed Sir Francis Drake.
by Xamatron August 26, 2008
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Jimmy Is a big headed b**** who thinks he knows everything, just Because of how old he is. Unfortunately he is a heavy drinker & an over thinker which never goes well as a combination, he will end up fighting his feelings which causes him to have outbursts aka, getting wound up.

He’ll go down the pub to bang a few birds , and will wake up next to men. He doesn’t trust anyone, but why would he? His friends don’t like him. He is a lonely sad man who will die a lonely sad man. He has no future. He will have nobody to attend his funeral. What a sad little life Jim. Maybe if you weren’t such an emotional cunt. People would think you’re a sound lad.
Man “stop being such a Jimmy Francis”
Jim: “what’s wrong with being a jimmy
Man: “are you happy? No. There you go
by Jimmy Francis September 29, 2020
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a very attractive young man who is a hit with the boys he has a massive cock and only ficks men with big doodles
that guy is such a "cade francis"
by u isn't this working January 30, 2017
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someone(Red) who is obsessed with francis and can’t live without them.
Red: I would love to cvm in you *francis*
Francis kink
by Redsooot September 26, 2021
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someone(Red) who is obsessed with francis and can’t live without them.
Red: I would love to cvm in you *francis*
francis kink
by Redsooot September 26, 2021
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Man with a heart of a boy. Will always falter, but will do his best to rise up to the occasion. Fallible, but weirdly optimistic and realist at the same time.
Francis De Leon Tan is weird, but, yeah he is weird.
by Nah012383 November 23, 2021
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