They are just meant to be
Two people loving each other in a really good way
Angelina & Timothy are just meant to be
by Someone82828 March 2, 2021
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Angelina is a term used to describe a beautiful girl who is loving, caring and could not be more perfect. She is a stunning girl, the type to catch your eye and never fails to put a smile on your face. She is funny too which is a bonus and when you make her laugh she has an adorable smile. To top it all of she gets sad when you don't talk to her and she always wants your attention which is the cutest thing ever. This describes the Angelina I know, my best friend who couldn't make me more happy. ily
"The best person I know is Angelina "
(Angelina lo lo)
by OliverTheGodfather October 2, 2020
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A Classic Caillou wannabe that always gets her way.
Oh my god, Angelina Ballerina is such a Classic Caillou wannabe!
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a very beautiful and perfect girl, you wont find anyone else like her, she has a very kind heart and is very caring. if you have her in your life feel very special cause she is one of a kind.
she is beautiful, that has to be angelina guerrero
by sincerely yours<3 March 13, 2022
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A really pretty girl who’s approachable and easy to become friends with. Shes really funny and laughs a lot. She’s usually nice to everyone, but if you get on her nerves, good luck.
Person 1: Wow you’re friends with Angelina Kesto? Lucky!
Person 2: All I had to do was say Hi!
by Yourmomiskindofhot January 26, 2022
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When you are 69’ing and she tells you to put cheese in her coochie flaps and then you use your nose to clean it off. Then you fart in her vagina and the whole room well stink of cheese.

Another version is when you are fingering her, and she asks you to ninjago meaning you flip and shit in her eye while pissing in her mouth.
“You heard her screaming last night?”

“Yeah.. bet ya did a Dirty Angelina
by karvaaa January 30, 2022
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