An instrument that is used by people who actually have skill, unlike those wussy violins.

viola player:, you have NO talent.
by (****Somebody****) November 16, 2005
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A beautiful talented person who likes drawing, dancing and writing. She's unique and she deserves everything.
X: who's that lonely girl?
Y: she's a Viola
by xtiffanyblewsx April 22, 2018
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It's shit
What did the cellos say to the violas? You're shit.
by sacreligious violinist December 8, 2018
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probably the second best instrument, tied with the bass and beatenn by the cello, in the orchestra. unlike the violin, violas have sweet medium sound that, quite honestly, shouldn't be neglected so much by people. And because viola players are hard come upon, you don't even need that much skill to get a job teaching, get into an orchastra, etc because there isn't much competition.
Goerge plays the viola, and even though he charges 2 times a normal pirce for music lessons, he still gets students, because he's the only viola teacher in the district.
by monster_by_mistake_achoo! February 24, 2009
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Purple in Italian.

An instrument that has a G-string like the violin.
violinist: Hey my G string is out of tune can, someone play it for me?
violist: Sure
violinist: A viola doesn't have a G-string.
violist: Yes we do
violist plays the G-string.
by Viola/Violin January 2, 2009
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The second best instrument in a orchestra, probably the least favored or important. It looks quite like a violin, only slightly larger, and deeper. (Second highest string instrument.) Violists are rare in an orchestra, and some don't even have a viola section. None the less, if you want to stand out and play a majorly kick ass instrument, play the viola!
Violinst: "Violas are stupid!"
TheOnlyBlackFox/Violist: *Shoves bow straight up ass, for it to come of the violinist's mouth*
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The greatest girl you'll ever meet, Viola will stand by you forever, even though she's gone through some shit, she has some weird kinks, however she is always open to trying new things, If you date a Viola, you're the luckiest guy in the world.
"Did you see Viola yesterday?"
"Yeah, her boyfriend is super lucky."
by titus37definz July 20, 2022
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