Used as a Slang, describing a very close friend who has a 'twin' of the opposite sex.
Can also be used as a term for 'loving your best friend to death'.
Mike: My twizzy sexual has a crush on you!
John: Wow, thats amazing!

Thats my best friend, she's twizzy sexual, and I love her to death!
by John P. Cunningham April 7, 2022
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Nickname for D12, talented band.
D_Twizzy is the hottest boy band in the world!
by Mr. Hams March 26, 2005
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To be annoying to the extreme. I'm talking about constantly doing and saying something that everyone and their mothers will find irritating.
Shut up. I said shut up. For the last time K-Twizzy, SHUT THE F*$K UP!!!
by Boxer July 19, 2004
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a combination of Twitter and Izzy. This defines any girl (or boy) who enjoys tweeting to an excessive an overly annoying amount. Example of twizzy tweets inculde the following: "I love this restaurant", "asdfjkl;", and "I feel like taking a nap".
Person A: My phone just vibrated
Person B: So did mine
Person A and B: Ughhhhhhh... twizzy.
Person A: Whattayuhhh gonna do?
Person B: Yyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhh
by yeahyeahyeahhh October 5, 2009
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1. To Twizzle the K's violently.
2. To be and idiot and talk alot in certain IRC channels.
3. More annoying than LBM possibly?
* K-Twizzy has joined #hbo
* ChanServ sets mode: +v K-Twizzy
<K-Twizzy> HOWS IT GOING!?!?!?!
by DragonReborn July 25, 2004
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TwiShiE's man
TwiZziE is only for TwiShiE.
by Stan =) February 28, 2003
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The people that run around at Monte Casino on the 25th day of June...
Person 1:Are you a Luh twizzy?

Person 2:Ye, I start fights at Monte Casino in a pink hoodie and then I start running like a trackstar
by Kanye West Big Toe June 27, 2022
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