The root of all evil. Kill on sight or have your soul be consumed.
There's a ladybug, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a disease given to males by ladies
she dat gib me da ladybug!
by lindsaj May 2, 2003
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The best show in the history of television. If you haven't watched it, you're missing out. The show features Ladybug and her trusty sidekick Cat Noir (or Chat Noir, depending on preference) who fight evil villains created by Hawkmoth, their mortal enemy.
Ladybug, who fights their enemies with much determination and grace, is actually Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a clumsy, shy girl. She has a major crush on Adrien Agreste, who is Cat Noir, her friend-zoned partner in crime. He has a crush on her superhero counterpart. So in other words, he has a crush on her, but only that side of her. They don't recognize each other outside the mask, which is infuriating yet CUTE at the same time.
Ships; Ladrien (LadybugxAdrien), Lady Noir (LadybugxCat Noir), Adrienette (MarinettexAdrien), Marichat (MarinettexCat Noir)
The cleansed butterfly fluttered from its confinement of purity and into the night. Ladybug launched the flashlight above the treetops and shouted, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Millions of ladybugs dispersed among the leafy canopies, winding around the decimated glasshouses and rose bushes. There was a flurry of glass shards flying back into place and rose petals feathering the air to their rightful buds before the Jardin des Plantes was finally restored.
by M. Valentine July 5, 2016
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A thin paste made by grinding ladybugs until they reach a thin watery consistency resembling that of Elmer's glue. It's the special ingredient in my 7 layer nacho dip.
Guy 1: What is this?

Guy 2: What is what?
Guy 1: At the bottom of the nacho dip?
Guy 2: Oh, that's my special ingredient, Ladybug paste.
Guy 1: I'm gonna fucking kill you!
by Mommyhole December 13, 2018
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best show you will ever watch just saying you should go watch it now
how that show is great it may even be as good as miraculous ladybug
by imobsessedwithmiraculous August 31, 2018
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This show contains:

1. Marinette/Laydiebawg: "Cause I have a secret... I'm laydiebawg!!"

- Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Ladybug 2021

2. Adrien/Ciat Nuoier: "She's just a friend, I mean my future wife."

-Adrien Agreste, C(h)at Noir 2021
Adrien: She's just a friend.
Marinette: *looks away*

-Miraculous Ladybug bloopers
by zeP0TAT0gurl August 13, 2021
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The best show ever. If u don't publish this definition u prob haven't watched it and therefore have no life.
by MLB lover 2020 February 28, 2019
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