A live chicken that is being swaddled in a towel or blanket that resembles a chicken chimichonga.
I just saw someone holding a chimmie yesterday. It was so dam cute.
by The_Chick3n_Lord November 8, 2023
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Another name for a live chicken
Look at all those chimmies.
by The_Chick3n_Lord November 8, 2023
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Chimmy Chimmy FC, created by Western Sydney Wanderers fan group ‘RBTV’, is a parody of Sydney FC’s active support ‘The Cove’ chant “We are Sydney, the famous Sydney FC” as it is almost impossible to understand what the lyrics of their chant as a spectator and usually tends to sound as “Chimmy Chimmy FC” instead.
by jK901 April 30, 2023
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When Jimin is a crazy thot and flirts with everyone.
Person 1: Damn, bro! What's Jimin doing????
Person 2: OoooOooOh Chimmy gone wild
by Emilyteeheee July 9, 2019
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It means you aren't chimmy. Chimmy is a word that means various things depending upon the context, but it is always a good thing to be. So, If you are non-chimmy then you're trash. No good. Your life is not worth living.
Chimmy person: "You fucking normie, you non-chimmy bitch why don't you kill yourself"?

Non-chimmy person: "ur mum".
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your dog has a chimney in him chimmy
by himsyboy April 7, 2022
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