Anything of a lesser quality or value than what is generally acceptable. Alternatively, something that consistently disappoints either through poor performance or bad decision making.

Noun or adjective, use as you see fit.
"Have you heard Todd Snider's version of Beer Run?"
"Yeah, bra, that's a beater rendition. Garth & George's is the only one for me."

"UCLA has a beater football program, never a contender for the 'naty and one Heisman winner (over 35 years ago). That's only one more trophy than ITT Tech has. Bunch of beaters."
by Geoffy July 12, 2006
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1. your backup guitar, that isn't your main guitar. just in case you break a string while playing on stage

2. a base model guitar with modified pickups

3. the guitar you duct tape the straps to for practicing guitar throws and whatnot
i've grabbed myself a new beater the other day, i just need to put some duncan blackouts into it and it'll be good to go
by aimfor7 May 27, 2011
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1. A nickname appropriate for a drummer, violent alcoholic or chronic masturbator.

2. A drummer who lives deep in the woods. Sightings are rare and cause for several days of celebration.

3. A very cheap car; one you can drive recklessly without worrying because it is already a worthless piece of crap.
Dude, did you see Beater?

Yeah, man, we drank whiskey together for three days! It was awesome!
by Criscipline September 22, 2010
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a group of skiers/snowboarders who think they are awesome on the mountain, but in reality, they suck.
look at those beaters trying to build a one foot kicker
by sean180 February 11, 2008
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A hot peice of ass from AHS. She has a totally bangin familly except for her husband who is envied by all.......
Damn! I had a dream last night about Beaters last night and I woke up with a boner.
by kazaam! April 30, 2005
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A young man who sherks his responsabilty , to chase after pleasures of sin for a season.
After having gone missing for A ten day weekend the young man suddenly appears in the garage and his brother says.. Where ya been beater?
by dang May 9, 2003
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A term originating from (and almost exclusively used on) Roblox used to describe low effort RPG games with repetitive gameplay, uninteresting combat, and little absolute 0 replay value. If the game is a Bandit Beater there is also a solid chance it's also a Cash grab.
"Person 1: So how is that new game that dropped like?"

"Person 2: 30 minutes in and the only thing I've been doing is punching stupid NPC's that don't even block."

"Person 1: Oh wow, yet another Bandit Beater."
by ThatOneSpoon January 30, 2022
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