the red headed step child to other good texas universities such as the university of texas and texas a&m. baptists control the town which leads to no fun and every food option is either deep fried or barbequed. if baylor was in a lot better of a location except crazy baylor, it wouldn't be a bad school, but baylor owns baptist extreme christians and those people own waco. all local politics are baylor-centric. if baylor got the hell out of the "utopia" mindframe it could shape up to be a good college down after some major facelifts, but i think baylor is doomed to the same boring stuff and boring town. only go there if you must!
wow that baylor university party really sucked, who woulda thought that the punch wouldn't have a kick to it and bible study would break out?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

i think i'll just drive an hour to UT and party there!
by thatsuperguy July 3, 2006
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A Baylor Boy is a the most hood rat guy you can find. Also known as BBG
Dude Dman is a BBG for for real ,Baylor Boy Gang
by Flayboster February 20, 2016
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At Baylor University, a very right winged Christian school, in Waco, Texas the girls are so concerned with keeping the virginity that they willingly undergo anal sex. The males at this institution compel the females that this alternative will keep them pure. This method allows the students here to have intercourse without a burden on their religious conscience.
Guy 1: "Did you have a good time in Waco last night? You were talking to that girl all night."

Guy 2: "Yeah I guess, man. I wanted to fuck her pussy but she made me give her the Baylor Butt Fuck."

Guy 1: "Shit Man!"
by TheGuy1234321 January 3, 2010
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Usually a trashy school behind Walmart, an inconsistent football team, and a handful of alcoholic faculty members.
It also consists of students not knowing that Go GBR literally means GO Go Big Red, and they also apparently some students like to put Bayor instead of Baylor on flags.
Person 1: Imagine going to Baylor High School
Person 2: Yeah its like being dumber than Patrick the star from Sponge Bob
by Dontaleous September 20, 2023
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The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor, home of The CRU, is by far the best football school, east of the mississippi and south of the mason dixon line. Also the sickest D-III school in the nation. you dont mess with The CRU! UMHB is the oldest school in texas founded in 1845 and is the older sister of Baylor University, but unlike Baylor, The CRU actually wins their games.
HSU fan: hey who are we playing this week?
HSU player: Mary-Hardin Baylor
HSU fan: were playing the CRU!?!?!!?!? WERE SCREWED!!!!
HSU player: ya i know, i dont even know why im going to show up for the game, i might not
by simmonite-hunter September 26, 2009
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Usually appears tall, skinny, awkward, shy, sneaky, innocent.

Not the most flashy personality you’ll meet, but the more you spend time and get to know him the more you will see that he genuinely cares.
ride or die to anyone who gives him the time of day
Bro the way you talked coach out of making me run was something Baylor totally would’ve done thank you
by Ford69 November 25, 2021
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